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$GUAC Emerges as Solana's $PEPE: Meme Coin Mania Continues

$GUAC, a meme coin on the Solana network, is poised to become Solana's version of the wildly popular $PEPE token, which gained immense traction on the Ethereum network.

May 5, 2023 by Illustrious

As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, meme coins have managed to maintain their unique appeal and influence. $GUAC, a meme coin on the Solana network, is poised to become Solana's version of the wildly popular $PEPE token, which gained immense traction on the Ethereum network. This article explores the phenomenon of $GUAC's rise and how it parallels the journey of $PEPE, another meme coin that skyrocketed in popularity and market cap.

$PEPE's Meteoric Ascent

$PEPE, a frog-themed meme coin launched on April 14, 2023, experienced a staggering 85% surge in just 24 hours, boasting a market cap exceeding $1 billion only three weeks after its launch. Like $GUAC, $PEPE's core value proposition is its lack of intrinsic value and utility. The coin is explicitly intended for entertainment purposes and has no formal team or roadmap.

Source: CoinGecko

Despite its tongue-in-cheek nature, $PEPE has attracted significant attention and investment, with early buyers profiting handsomely from its rise. The token's rapid ascent can be attributed to its strong community support, hype, and the inherent popularity of the Pepe frog meme. Several major exchanges, including ByBit, BitMEX, OKX, and MEXC, have listed $PEPE and its perpetual contracts, further legitimizing its presence in the cryptocurrency market.

$GUAC: Solana's Answer to $PEPE

Following in $PEPE's footsteps, $GUAC is quickly gaining traction as Solana's equivalent of the frog-themed meme coin. Like $PEPE, $GUAC has no intrinsic value, expectation of financial return, or roadmap. This lighthearted approach to the cryptocurrency has garnered a loyal following, with the coin's popularity increasing rapidly.

As $GUAC rides the wave of meme coin mania, it is poised to mirror $PEPE's success, benefiting from similar factors that contributed to $PEPE's meteoric rise:

  • Community Support and Hype: A strong, engaged community that rallies behind a meme coin can significantly impact its market performance, as seen with $PEPE. $GUAC is likely to benefit from similar levels of community support and hype.
  • Entertainment Value: Like $PEPE, $GUAC's entertainment value sets it apart from more traditional cryptocurrencies, providing a unique appeal that resonates with a diverse range of investors.
  • Exchange Listings: The listing of $GUAC on various cryptocurrency exchanges could provide increased accessibility and liquidity, contributing to its growth and popularity.


The meme coin mania continues, with $GUAC emerging as Solana's answer to the immensely popular $PEPE. Both coins thrive on their humorous and lighthearted nature, capturing the attention of the cryptocurrency community with their unique, entertainment-driven approach. As $GUAC continues to gain traction, it remains to be seen whether it will reach the same heights as $PEPE. However, one thing is for sure: the allure of meme coins shows no sign of fading away.

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